Insecta Sticker Sheet
Insecta Sticker Sheet
An A5 (about 6 x 8.25”) matte sticker sheet of 14 die cut insect stickers. Made in collaboration with The Washi Station! This sticker sheet features the following insect species:
Luna Moth - Actias luna
Eastern Hercules Beetle - Dynastes tityus
Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus
Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor
Promethea Silkmoth - Callosamia promethea
Pink Grasshopper - Lophacris cristata
Jewel Scarab - Chrysina macropus
Emerald Euphoria Chafer - Euphoria fulgida
Little Wood Satyr - Megisto cymela
Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia
Leaf Bug - Phylliidae sp.
White-lined Sphinx - Hyles lineata
IO Moth - Automeris io
Golden Stag Beetle - Odontolabis cuvera